Everyone is talking about uncertainty – in finance, climate, migration, disease or infrastructure – and of course in the field of genetic engineering in agriculture. Decision-makers often treat all kinds of uncertainties as if they are risks, with probabilities that can be calculated.

But sustainability involves other kinds of uncertainties – whether they’re due to incomplete evidence, complexity, divergent values, scientific disagreement, gaps in knowledge or the simple possibility of surprise.

Uncertainties can make it hard to plan ahead. But recognising them can help to reveal new questions and choices. What kinds of uncertainty are there, why do they matter for sustainability, and what ideas, approaches and methods can help us to respond to them?

2019 sees the UK’s STEPS Centre focusing on the vital topic of uncertainty, from a variety of different perspectives.

Key articles already published include:

Check out their Uncertainty theme page, and explore our resources pages for more recommended reading from STEPS.

Photo credit ? | Photo: alistairh / Flickr / cc by 2.0 / https://flic.kr/p/T3A6MC