ublic discussions about cloned or genetically engineered food animals have largely focused on questions about the regulatory authorities that may govern such animals. Of importance
to many observers, however, are ethical issues which cannot be addressed fully at scientific conferences or during regulatory discussions. In its 2005 poll, Pew Initiative on Food and
Biotechnology (PIFB) found that 53% of Americans strongly favored including ethical and moral considerations in making regulatory decisions about cloned or GM animals.
At PIFB’s workshop in January 2005, “Exploring the Moral and Ethical Aspects of Genetically Engineered and Cloned Animals” many participants indicated a need for additional discussions about ethics and animal biotechnology, but no institution in the U.S. appeared ready to address all the issues involved. For this reason, PIFB partnered with Michigan State University on two meetings: a one-day symposium, “Animal Biotechnology: Considering Ethical Issues,” which provided an overview of the general ethical issues involved with food animal biotechnology; and a two-day workshop among experts who came together to discuss institutional options for addressing, in the future, the moral and ethical issues relating to genetically engineered or cloned animals. Attendees included representatives from the food, agricultural, and biotechnology industries, public interest groups, and academics in ethics, biology, and law.
This document summarizes in brief the options discussed at the workshop.