Publication date: 07/10/2015


What are the conditions under which GMOs might work more effectively? Can they be compatible with the needs of farmers, eaters and their communities, not only with the aims of corporations and biotech scientists?

We can start by broadening the conversation around human health to include social science and natural science perspectives, and encompassing the ripple effects of technologies packaged with GMOs. we can open the floor to engaged citizens and laborers across the food system. We also need better regulatory oversight. We can bring GM research and development into the public sphere.

A nonreductionist evaluation of GMOs can push us toward thinking about effects at multiple scales and time spans. Such an evaluation can get us to think deeply about who benefits from technologies, who controls their availability and access, and who makes such decisions. We get to think about the entanglements of politics, the media and public interest in shaping scientific validity and “consensus.”

In short, we are invited to think socially and ecologically — indeed agroecologically — about the utility and value of engineered seeds. “If GMOs can survive such scrutiny and emerge as a beneficial tool, ” writes the author “I’m certainly not anti-GMO”.

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